4 Comentários

    • Maria Cecília

      Oi, Maju! Passe um pouco de beach spray (ou surf spray) antes de secar o cabelo, para dar corpo e textura. Depois de secar com o secador, marque algumas ondas com baby-liss largo e solte com os dedos, para dar movimento. Para ganhar mais volume ainda, dê alguns jatos de xampu seco (em spray) e remova o excesso chacoalhando com as mãos. Bjs!

  1. I smiled and laughed when I read your post Fionnuala because for such a long time I have felt the same ^^; Ever since I first started reading his works as a girl my Daddy told me to make sure I tried to remember to never ‘be just like Mr. Tolkien’ I had to be myself. However, due to Lord of the Rings he kind of fashioned the whole ge20&e#8n3r;but we other writers can only hope to try and write original works as best as we can XDGreat stuff! You’re fantastic

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